Welcome to funman’s documentation!¶
: Functional Model Analysis tool¶
The funman
package performs Functional Model Analysis by processing a request and model pair that describes an analysis scenario. funman
answers the question:
"Under which parameter assignements will my model behave well?"
encodes and reasons about parameterized models in the SMT framework. As illustrated in the figure above, funman
labels regions of a parameter space that satisfy (green, “true”) or do not satisfy (red, “false”) a number of constraints on the model dynamics (dashed lines). Each point in the parameter space corresponds (black arrows) to a trajectory (green and red curves).
This section explains how to run funman
, and the following section describes the analysis request in more detail.
We recommend using a pre-built docker image to run or develop the funman
source, due to a few build dependencies. To run funman
via its API, (in the funman
root directory) start the API with the script:
sh terarium/scripts/run-api-in-docker.sh
This will pull the latest release of the funman
API image and start a new container. Then, to submit analysis requests to the API, run the following script:
terarium/run_example.sh petrinet-sir
This script will run a request, as specified in resources/terarium-tests.json
Running the example will POST a model analysis request, wait, and then GET the results. funman
analysis runs in an anytime fashion, and the GET request may return only partial results. The example will generate the following output:
Running example 'petrinet-sir':
"name": "petrinet-sir",
"model-path": "amr/petrinet/terrarium-tests/sir.json",
"request-path": "amr/petrinet/terrarium-tests/sir_request.json"
Making POST request to with contents:
"model": <Contents of /home/danbryce/funman/resources/amr/petrinet/terrarium-tests/sir.json>
"request": <Contents of /home/danbryce/funman/resources/amr/petrinet/terrarium-tests/sir_request.json>
Response for query:
"id": "cfabd91c-4a6a-42aa-8d10-e88b4ca2dd5f",
"model": "Removed for brevity",
"request": "Removed for brevity"
Work Id is 'cfabd91c-4a6a-42aa-8d10-e88b4ca2dd5f'
Waiting for 5 seconds...
Making GET request to
"id": "cfabd91c-4a6a-42aa-8d10-e88b4ca2dd5f",
"model": "Removed for brevity",
"progress": {
"progress": 0.6918088739568541,
"coverage_of_search_space": 0.6918088739568541
"request": "Removed for brevity",
"parameter_space": {
"num_dimensions": 6,
"true_boxes": [ {"Removed for brevity"}, {"Removed for brevity"}, ...]
"false_boxes": [ {"Removed for brevity"}, {"Removed for brevity"}, ...]
The response is the status of the query, which includes the model and request used in the query, as well as progress and the current parameter space.
Quickstart Example Description¶
The quickstart example performs an analysis of the SIR model:
$\dot{S} = -\beta SI$
$\dot{I} = \beta SI - \gamma I$
$\dot{R} = \gamma I$
where $\beta$ and $\gamma$ are parameters. The SIR model captures how a susceptible $S$ population becomes infected $I$ at a rate $\beta SI$, and an infected population becomes recovered $R$ with a rate $\gamma I$. The $\beta$ parameter describes the transmissibility of a pathogen and the $\gamma$ parameter, the impact (recovery time) of the pathogen on individuals. The example defines an initial condition where $S(0) = 0.99$, $I(0) = 0.01$, and $R(0) = 0.0$.
In the example, funman
analyzes which values of
$\beta \in [0.08, 0.1)$ and
$\gamma \in [0.02, 0.03)$
will satisfy the constraint
$0.15 \leq I(t) < 1.0$, for $t \in [50, 50)$.
In this analysis request the analyst would like to know what assumptions on $\beta$ and $\gamma$ are needed so that the infected population is greater than 0.15, 50 days from today.
Solving this analysis problem generates a parameter space, as summarized by the following plot.
The plot illustrates the parameter space as a matrix of 2D plots for each pair of parameters. (This example includes parameters $S0$, $I0$, and $R0$ for the initial state assignment). funman
introduces the timestep
as an additional parameter to support reasoning about different time spans. This timestep
is important for many scenarios because the constraints may be satsified or not under different assumptions about the scenario time span.
The upper left plot for $\beta$-$\gamma$ projects all boxes onto $\beta$ and $\gamma$, indicating that there are values of the other parameters where any assignment to the pair will satisfy the constraint. Unsurprisingly, larger values for $\beta$ and smaller values for $\gamma$ result in more scenario time spans where the constraints are satisfied (darker green regions include more true regions that are stacked/projected onto $\beta$ and $\gamma$).
The lower left plots for $\beta$-timestep and $\gamma$-timestep help to interpret the $\beta$-$\gamma$ plot. Timesteps 5-10 (corresponding to 50-100 days) include several false regions (also stacked) where the constraints are not satisfied, and a few true regions where they are satisfied.
Plotting the points generated while creating the parameter space, will result in the following trajectories.
The plot illustrates $S$, $I$, and $R$ for all points that funman
generates to construct the parameter space. The green lines correspond to true points, and red, false. The lines that begin near 1.0 a time 0 correspond to $S$. The group of lines near 0.2 at time 50 correspond to $I$, and the remaining group, to $R$. The false trajectories are truncated at time 50 because they violate the constraint and will not satisfy it if extended to longer time spans. (This is also the reason that the parameter space includes many false regions for time steps 5 and greater.)
requires two inputs: a model and an analysis request. There are several ways to configure these inputs, but the most simple is to write a pair of json files. It is also possible to define these inputs via python objects, as illustrated by tests in tests/test_use_cases.py.
supports a number of model formats, which correspond to the classes in funman.models
GeneratedPetriNet: AMR model for petri nets generated
GeneratedRegNet: AMR model for regulatory networks
RegnetModel: MIRA model for regulatory networks
PetrinetModel: MIRA model for petri nets
BilayerModel: ASKE model for bilayer networks
Requests correspond to the class funman.server.query.FunmanWorkRequest
and specify the following keys:
query: a soft constraint that a model must satisfy (legacy support, deprecated)
constraints: a list of hard or soft constraints that a model must satisfy
parameters: a list of bounded parameters that
will either synthesize (“label”: “all”) or satsify (“label”: “any”).funman
will check “all” values within the parameter bounds or if “any” within the bounds permit the model to satisfy the query and constraints.config: A dictionary of
configuration options. label regions of the parameter space as satisfying the query and constraints, if synthesized, or find any legal value if asked to satsify.structure_parameters: parameters shaping the way that
structures its analysis.funman
requires that either thenum_steps
parameters are specified, or theschedules
parameter is specified. If all are omitted, thenfunman
defaults to checking one unit-sized step.
The example illustrated in the quickstart uses the request resources/amr/petrinet/terrarium-tests/sir_request.json
"constraints": [
"name": "I",
"variable": "I",
"interval": {
"lb": 0.15,
"ub": 1.0
"timepoints": {
"lb": 50,
"ub": 50,
"closed_upper_bound": true
"parameters": [
"name": "beta",
"interval": {
"lb": 0.08,
"ub": 0.1
"label": "all"
"name": "gamma",
"interval": {
"lb": 0.02,
"ub": 0.03
"label": "all"
"name": "S0",
"interval": {
"lb": 0.99,
"ub": 0.99
"label": "all"
"name": "I0",
"interval": {
"lb": 0.01,
"ub": 0.01
"label": "all"
"name": "R0",
"interval": {
"lb": 0,
"ub": 0
"label": "all"
"structure_parameters": [
"name": "schedules",
"schedules": [
"timepoints": [
"config": {
"use_compartmental_constraints": true,
"normalization_constant": 1,
"tolerance": 0.02
Running funman
There are multiple ways to run funman
on a model and request pair. We recommend running funman
in Docker, due to some complex dependencies on dReal (and its dependency on ibex). funman
has a Makefile that supports building three Docker use cases: 1) run a development container that mounts the source code, 2) run a container with a jupyter server, and 3) run a container with uvicorn serving a REST API. Examples of running each of these cases are illustrated by the tests (test/test_api.py
, and test/test_terarium.py
). It is also possible to pull a pre-generated image that will run the API, as described in terarium/README.md
Use cases¶
The documentation at https://siftech.github.io/funman/use_cases.html describes several epidemiology use cases for funman
. These use cases are also implemented by tests in tests/test_use_cases.py
Development Setup¶
Code layout¶
.config: linting configuration
.devcontainer: dev container configuration
.github/workflows: workflow configuration (create docker images)
artifacts: analysis artifacts
funman_benchmarks: tools to benchmark configurations of
funman_demo: tools related to specific demos
funman_dreal: extensions to pysmt configuration that include dreal
funman_plot: plotting helpers
ibex_tests: ibex usage testing
pde2petri: convert PDE models to petri nets
docker: docker files for building containers
docs: sphinx/read-the-docs static content and configuration
notebooks: usage notebooks
notes: development notes
resources: models and requests
scratch: old demos and prototyping
config.py: flags for request
dictionaryconstants.py: constants
funman.py: main entrypoint
init.py: global imports
model: input model representations
representation: internal and output representations
scenario: scenario definitions
search: search methods to generate parameter spaces
server: API server
translate: methods for encoding to SMT
utils: utilities
_version.py: current version
terarium: scripts and examples for terarium integration
test: unit tests
tools: helper scripts
.pre-commit-config.yaml: precommit hook config
.pylintrc: pylint config
Makefile.uncharted: Uncharted’s custom make
pyproject.toml: project configuration
requirements-dev-extras.txt: extra development dependencies
requirements-dev.txt: development dependencies
setup.py: pip install configuration
Pre-commit hooks¶
has a set of pre-commit hooks to help with code uniformity. These hooks
will share the same rules as any automated testing so it is recommended to
install the hooks locally to ease the development process.
To use the pre-commit hooks you with need the tools listed in
. These should be installed in the same environment where
you git tooling operates.
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Once install you should be able to run the following from the root of the repo:
make install-pre-commit-hooks
Once installed you should begin to receive isort/black feedback when committing. These should not alter the code during a commit but instead just fail and prevent a commit if the code does not conform to the specification.
To autoformat the entire repo you can use:
make format
Code coverage¶
Pytest is configured to generate code coverage, and requires the pytest-cov
package to be installed. The pytest-cov
package is included in the
(see above) and will be installed with the other dev
dependencies. The code coverage will be displayed in the pytest output (i.e.,
) and saved to the coverage.xml
file. The Coverage Gutters
plugin will use the coverage.xml
to display code coverage highlighting over
the source files.
Development Setup: Docker dev container¶
provides tooling to build a Docker image that can be used as a
development container. The image builds on either arm64 or amd64 architectures.
The dev container itself is meant to be ephemeral. The launch-dev-container
command will delete the existing dev container if an newer image has been made
available in the local cache. Any data that is meant to be retained from the
dev-container must be kept in one of the mounted volumes.
The dev container supports editing and rebuilding of dreal4 as well. This
requires that a dreal4 repository is cloned as a sibling to the funman
directory (../dreal4). So long as that directory is present, the next time the
funman-dev container is created will also result in a bind mount of the dreal4
directory to the container.
Build the image:¶
# For building with your local arch
make build
# For building to a target arch
TARGET_ARCH=arm64 make build
Launch the dev container:¶
make launch-dev-container
If building a local dreal4 instead of the built-in version:¶
# from within the container
(DEPRECATED) Development Setup: Ubuntu 20.04¶
# install python 3.9
sudo apt install python3.9 python3.9-dev
# install dev dependencies
sudo apt install make
pip install --user pipenv
# install pygraphviz dependencies
sudo apt install graphviz libgraphviz-dev pkg-config
# Initialize development environment
make setup-dev-env
(DEPRECATED) Development Setup: OSX M1¶
# install python 3.9
brew install python@3.9
# install dev dependencies
brew install make
pip3 install --user pipenv
# install pygraphviz dependencies
brew install graphviz pkg-config
# install z3
brew install z3
# install miniconda
brew install miniforge
# Initialize development environment
make setup-conda-dev-env
Z3 issue¶
On the M1, installing with conda gets pysmt with z3 for the wrong architecture. To fix this, if it happens, replace the z3lib.dylib
in your virtual environment (in my case this was .venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/z3/lib/libz3.dylib
) with a symbolic link to the library that you get from your brew install of z3. For example
ln -s /opt/homebrew/Cellar/z3/4.11.0/lib/libz3.dylib ~/projects/askem/funman/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/z3/lib/
Pipenv issue and conda¶
When I (rpg) tried to set up the environment with only pipenv (make setup-dev-env
), it didn’t work because pip
tried to build the pygraphviz wheel and when it did, it used the Xcode compiler, which did not work with the version of graphviz I had installed with brew.
Suggest dealing with this by using setup-CONDA-dev-env
[caps for emphasis] instead.
Error during setup: “Could not find a version that matches”¶
Try updating pipenv: pip install pipenv --upgrade
Generating docs¶
pipenv run pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme matplotlib
# Needed only if the gh-pages branch is not at origin
make init-pages
# Run sphinx and pyreverse on source, generate docs/
make docs
# push docs/ to origin
make deploy-pages